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Re: Has Rutgers orphaned the www-security mailing list?

I am willing to support this mailing list. We support a number of
high volume mailing lists at HotWired, including vrml, which has
nothing to do with us.

Jim Ausman
Systems Administrator
>There is evidence to suggest that the WWW Security Team at Rutgers has
>orphaned the list.  The charter, in particular, is out of date (it says
>that www-security is the discussion group for the IETF working group on
>web security, but I'm told that that group has had its own separate
>mailing list for some time now).  I'm referring to the description of
>the list at:
>	http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/www-security/index.htm
>	http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/www-security/www-security-list.htm
>And there have been so many reports of problems unsubscribing from the
>www-security list that it's hard for me to believe they are all due to
>user error.
>Furthermore, it's not clear that anyone currently employed at Rutgers
>"owns" the list.  The owner-www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu address
>evaluates to a single individual with a non-Rutgers forwarding address,
>Simon Cooper at sc@corp.sgi.com.  Cooper's personal web page
>(http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/~scooper/scooper.htm), like the Rutgers WWW
>Security pages, hasn't been updated since mid to late 1995.  If Simon
>Cooper is reading this, it would be reassuring to hear from him.  The
>other listed members of the Rutgers WWW Security Team, Greg Bossert and
>Walt Drummond, also have non-Rutgers forwarding addresses.
>Even with all of its problems, the www-security mailing list is an
>extremely important forum.  I wish that someone from Rutgers would show
>an interest in this list again by updating and publicizing the charter
>and by testing the unsubscription mechanism.  Active participation in the
>list, encouraging on-topic threads and discouraging off-topic ones,
>would be even better.
>If Rutgers no longer has staff to manage this list properly, I think it
>should be moved to another institution which does.
